New CEs
Abiding: Makes weapons unbreakable.
Aegis: Grants a chance for speed when taking fall damage.
Ambit: Damages mobs within a radius, increasing with enchantment level.
Angelic: Heals the player when damaged.
Arrow Deflect: Chance to prevent enemy arrow damage.
Bait: Increases chance for double fishing drops.
Berserk: Grants strength and mining fatigue.
Blacksmith: Repairs the weapon in exchange for reduced damage.
Bleed: Causes opponents to bleed, dealing damage over time.
Block: Negates an attack and reflects up to 4 damage.
Chaos: Applies weakness and wither effects to the target.
Chunky: Reduces incoming damage with a chance.
Creeper Armor: Provides immunity to explosive damage and heals at higher levels.
Death Punch: Increases damage dealt to Zombies.
Decapitation: Chance for opponents' heads to drop on death.
Devour: Restores food when killing mobs.
Diminish: Inflicts mining fatigue on enemies.
Diploid: Increases mob drop count.
Distance: Pushes enemies away and grants regeneration.
Divert: Poisons opponents and grants regeneration.
Dodge: Chance to dodge physical attacks, increasing when sneaking.
Endmaster: Deals double damage to mobs in the End.
Epicness: Adds particle and sound effects during attacks.
Exalted: Removes negative potion effects.
Explosive: Causes arrows to explode.
Explosive Demise: Summons Creepers as guards when near death.
Famine: Inflicts the hunger effect on enemies.
Featherweight: Grants haste for faster attacks.
Fire Hook: Ignites the fishing hook.
Forcefield: Pushes enemies away during attacks.
Frozen: Inflicts slowness on attackers.
Gears: Adds speed when boots are equipped.
Gemify: Transforms ores into their block forms.
Glowing: Grants permanent night vision.
Greatsword: Increases damage against players wielding a bow.
Harvest: Breaks crops in a 3x3 area.
Haste: Allows faster tool usage.
Hunter: Increases damage dealt to passive mobs.
Immolate: Increases damage to Spiders.
Implants: Restores food over time.
Inquisitive: Increases experience drops from mobs.
Interrupt: Inflicts mining fatigue on enemies.
Jelly Legs: Negates fall damage.
Kill Aura: Damages multiple mobs within a radius.
Lucid: Removes blindness and grants night vision.
Lucky: Increases luck while fishing.
Magnet: Pulls players toward you during attacks.
Marksman: Increases damage with Crossbows.
Missile: Turns arrows into fireballs.
Multiplication: Multiplies ore drops.
Night Owl: Deals more damage to mobs at night.
Nightwalker: Freezes mobs at night.
Nulify: Deals double damage and blinds enemies.
Obsidianshield: Grants permanent fire resistance.
Overload: Provides additional hearts.
Paralyze: Inflicts slowness and slow swinging.
Perish: Applies the wither effect.
Phoenix: Chance to revive on death.
Piercing: Increases damage with bows.
Planter: Plants seeds in a 3x3 area with shift-right-click.
Poison: Inflicts poison on enemies.
Poseidon: Enhances water-based combat (description incomplete in provided data).